Wrist Tattoo

WRIST TATTOOThere are many types of wrist tattoos including stars, words, and wrist bands. Types Of Wrist Tattoo Designs its not principal different with foot tattoo

Some folks like to have their wrist tattoo on top of their wrist in combination with a tattoo sleeve or hand tattoos. A tattoo of this type is just like an armband tattoo but much lower. Peaches Geldof has a crucifix tattoo around her left wrist.

Nautical stars and words are probably the most used wrist tattoos. Wrist band tattoos are usually celtic knots or barbed wire. Women sometimes get flowers, hearts, or kissing lips tattoos.

Celebrities With Wrist Tattoos

A growing number of top celebrities sport wrist tattoos. Nicole Ritchie has inner wrist tattoos of a red shooting star on her left wrist and the word "virgin" on her right. Lindsay Lohans wrist tattoo is the word "breathe" in white and located on her right wrist and a small star tattoo on inside left wrist. Britney Spears has a lips tattoo. Ashlee Simpson has a star tattoo and a "love" tattoo. Orlando Bloom's wrist tattoo is of the Elvish word for "nine".

What You Need To Know When Getting A Tattoo?

A tattoo starts as an idea and then becomes an image that you and your tattoo artist work with to make it suitable for your skin. By the time your tattooist puts needle to skin, you will have already spent a lot of time living with the tattoo!

Remember that if your tattoo is too small that you will risk losing detail. While any color can be tattooed onto any skin, some skin will hold color better than others. Take a look at images online and off of your future tattoo. When you are choosing your tattoo artist, remember that you have a right to a tattooist that will maintain a high degree of cleanliness and professional behavior. Does the style of the artist match the style that you want on your tattoo? Your tattoo artist will also tell you to remember to eat before you come to your session and that drinking alcohol, which thins your blood, is a poor idea right before a tattoo session.

Also like a sunburn, while

the tattoo is healing the very topmost layer of skin will peel off. Do not pick at the healing skin, as that can result in you pull

ng color right out of your new tattoo. Healing a tattoo is something that many people disagree on. Be aware that your tattoo may need a touch up when it has healed. Even if your tattoo looks g

reat, remember that a touch up every few years will keep the colors looking bright and the lines looking clear.

Remember that if you no

tice anything strange or unusual going on with your tattoo that you can stop back in to speak with the tattooist

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